Post 26: A Different Kind of..err...Hero (Quick'un)

How's it going internet? Welcome to the Late Night English Blog! I'm your host and a huge Bethesda fan Andy Ferguson, and tonight we'll be discussing why Hamlet is more of a modern hero than than an ancient, epic hero.

For those of you unfamiliar with the troubled prince of Denmark, here's a brief summary of his troubles: his dad is dead, his uncle probably his dad, and he doesn't know how to deal with the fact his uncle probably killed his dad.

A bit different from Achilles, huh? No wars or mortal combats or anything like that. Just a young guy trying to figure out what to do. Definitely different from Gilgamesh. Definitely. No flaming bulls or pissed gods/goddesses to deal with. Hell, despite my last post, Hamlet still isn't epic when compared to Dante. I mean sure, Dante's journey was all about figuring out how to deal with his life too. Then again, his journey took him literally THROUGH HELL AND BACK as opposed to Hamlet's metaphorical, mental hell. So yeah, little different.

I'll say it plainly: Hamlet just doesn't go through any epic feats or battles. He doesn't have to face down gods or immortals or visions of hell. His problems are, for the most part, internal. Like a normal person. Well, as normal as a prince of Denmark haunted by the ghost of his dead father can be.

That's all for tonight. As always, thanks for reading. Buona notte!
