Post 23:...We're Really Doing This, Aren't We?

Oh boy, how's it going internet? Welcome to Late Night English Blog. I'm your host Andy Ferguson and tonight we're talking about politics. Yep, politics. Yayyyyyy. Not only politics, but a specific politician: President Donald J. Trump. I'm not going to give my personal opinions here. Nobody wants to read that nonsensical rant. Rather, we're going to evaluate whether or not Trump is an effective president according to Niccolo Macchiavelli's "The Prince" in which he details his ideas of the ideal ruler. Three-point thesis, take it away:

1.) Better to be Feared than Loved- perhaps one of Machiavelli's most famous sayings, this statement means that, if you cannot be both, it is better to be feared by your subjects than loved. In this regard, Trump checks out. For better or worse, he's got America on the edge of its seat.

2.) A Good Ruler must be able to defend Himself- in other words, behind every great ruler is an even greater armed force. To be considered effective, a nation must be able to defend itself against any and all threats. Once again, in this regard Trump checks out. In his short time in office, he's placed a greater emphasis on border control and military expansion.

3.) To Have a Strong City and Not Make Himself Odious- for those wondering, the word odious attached to anything means that it is hate-able in the extreme. In short, one who controls a strong state and doesn't do anything to make others hate them is an effective leader. Well, most of the world seems to have a wait-and-see attitude to the new President on the block, but he's definitely made an enemy out of former Mexican president Vincente Fox Quesada, as evidenced by his twitter feed (, and Syria following last weeks attacks. So, no. Doesn't really check off that one quite so much.

Still, he's at least 2/3 effective. Kinda. That's it for this time. See ya
