Post 25: To be in Hell or not to be; that is the question?

How's it going internet? Welcome to the Late Night English Blog! I'm your host and guy experiencing League-related blood pressure spikes Andy Ferguson and tonight we'll be comparing Hamlet to our old friend Dante. We'll be comparing the two on the terms of their personality, goals, etc. With that said, let's get started:

1.) Broodiness- If there's anything that Hamlet is famous for, it's his propensity for constant reflection and lamentation. Man likes to brood over his life. Same with Dante. Hell, the story starts with the man wandering around the woods at night trying to figure out what to do with his life when manages to stumble into Hell.

2.) Search All They Might- Both Hamlet and Dante were looking for answers. Hamlet wanted to know if his uncle killed his dad and, if so, what to do about it. Should he even do anything about it? or should he just off himself and save the trouble (his words, not mine)? Dante was looking for his way in life, tying to figure out just how it is he should live. What should he do? What shouldn't he do? and so forth and so forth.

3.) A Different Kind of...err... Hero- I hate to break this to you, but neither Dante nor Hamlet are action heroes like Achilles or Gilgamesh. No, they're more subdued individuals that face more internal, psychological struggles. True, Dante literally went to Hell and back but still. He never punched a dragon or anything. Just kinda contemplated everything.

Well that's it for this time. As always, thank you for reading and I'll see you whenever I decide to make another one of these. Adios.


  1. I like how you divided your explanations under different subheadings or categories - it really made it more interesting and easier to follow and also, more organized. Your points are clear and your comparison of Hamlet to Dante is a really interesting subject to read on. I never would have thought they compared until your post. I enjoyed it!


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