Post 10: Our Brave New World

How's it going  internet? Welcome to the Late Night English Blog! I'm your host and guy who just woke up Andy Ferguson and today we're gonna continue talking about epic heroes in the modern world. This time, however, I won't be working it out alone: today I'll be exploring the cases for modern epic heroes found in the blogs of Jnan Cabahug (aka The Asian Persuasion) and Marlyn Molton (aka Marlyn's World  Literature Blog). Without further ado, let's begin. 

1.) The Flash- Cannot agree with my man Jnan more on this one. the Flash, a supersonic superhero with a heart of gold, is an excellent example of a modern epic hero. While Barry Allen himself may not be of noble birth like other heroes (his parents were regular people), his superpowered identity as the Flash could technically be considered a noble birth in an indirect sense as he gets his powers after being struck by a very special bolt of lightning (did somebody say Zeus? Well, he's not in the lore but still, symbolism). Also, in relation to Greek mythology, the original Flash's (ie Jay Garrick) design  featured a silver helmet with wings resembling the winged shoes of Hermes. Who was famous as the messenger god for being rather fast. Coincidence? I think not! But references are not all that a hero makes. Ultimately, heroes fight for the greater good as Jnan points out when he says "he wants to keep doing the right thing and he is also very devoted" ( 

2.) Nurses- I'll confess, I got a little teary eyed reading Marlyn's post. It was an exceptionally heartfelt piece on the unseen epic heroes of our modern world: Nurses. When writing my post on Batman, I hadn't even thought to consider real life examples of epic heroism, thinking only to stay within the realm of fiction. Marlyn, however, dove right in and, after reading her work, I gotta say I agree. Two of the truest traits of epic heroes, classical or modern, fictional or non are that they fight to overcome gargantuan obstacles and furthermore that they fight for the collective good of mankind. In this regard, I can think of better example of modern epic heroes than nurses and other trained medical professionals. They fight everyday to overcome beasts such as Death and Disease and do so solely that others may live to fight another day themselves. If you'd like to read Marlyn's post, and I recommend that you do, here's the link:

Well, that's it for tonight everybody. As always, thanks for reading and I will see you (insert period of time here). Bon soir!
