
The first ray of sun on a bright winter morning,
Falling gently through a window stained with dust
Onto a hardwood floor that creaks happily
When you find the strength to get out of bed.

The second you step into a warm shower,
Feeling goosebumps ripple across your skin
The moment before they're washed away
Like specks of dirt from polished gemstone.

The third time you kiss someone you've come to love.
Before, it had been awkward. More like a greeting, really;
But now, you're heart beats thinking of their eyes, their touch,
and the satisfaction of breathing in another's existence.

Going forth, I wonder if these things even really matter.
It's not like we reflect on things like these in the moment they happen.
Rather, we reflect on and assign meaning to them in post,
because, as time walks out on us, we crave the comfortable embrace
of moments that no longer exist.
