Post 20: #SucksToBeSocrates (Quick'un)

How's it going internet? Welcome to the Late Night English Blog! I'm your host and slightly bummed guy Andy Ferguson and tonight we'll be examining whether or not Socrates belongs in Hell in Dante's "Inferno."  In "Inferno," Dante (the character) discovers that inside the First Circle of Hell, Limbo, rests the spirit of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. If you remember from my last post, those residing in Limbo were sent there because, while they were virtuous individuals, they either had not accepted Christ as their Lord and Saviour or died before Christianity began. Socrates, having been born some 400 odd years before Christ, definitely falls into these categories. So, semantically speaking, yes, he belongs in Hell.

That's it for tonight everybody. Thanks for reading! Good night!
