Post 15: Confucius says "Meh:" a Look At the US Presidency

How's it going internet. I'm Andy  Ferguson, this is the Late Night English Blog and let's get right to it.
The U.S president is, in the American governement, the head of the military and other federal departments. In addition, the president has to power to introduce bills onto the legislative floor or veto those that come off it. As such, the president has a duty to set an example for others.
This is supported by the saying of confuscious "The Duke Ai asked, saying, ‘What should be done in order to secure the submission of the people?’ Confucius replied, ‘Advance the upright and set aside the crooked, then the people will submit. Advance the crooked and set aside the upright, then the people will not submit.’ (Book II, Chapter XIX)

Well that;s it for this time. later.
