Post 19: If the Circle of Hell Fits...

How's it going internet? Welcome to the Late Night English Blog! I'm your host and guy currenty slacking off in Stats Andy Ferguson and tonight we'll be discussing the concept of Dante's version of Hell in "Inferno" and how we might find it appealing in our modern world. Before we begin, we need to clear up some background information:

1.) Dante Alighieri- more commonly referred to as simply "Dante," this Florentine poet wrote The Divine Comedy of which "Inferno" is a part. For his contributions to literature, he is considered (in Italy anyway) "Il Sommo Poeta" (trans: The Supreme Poet) as well as "the Father of the Italian Language." For more, read here:

2.) Inferno- Dante's "Inferno" follows the journey of the similarly named protagonist Dante as he journeys through the depths of Hell with the poet Virgil. In this  section, Dante (the author) attempted to do something that nobody had really tried before: describe Hell using a logical, detailed structure. For example, in "Inferno" Dante describes Hell as having 9 "rings" or levels. Sinners were sent to the level corresponding to the grievousness of their sin, the 1st level being not-so-bad and the 9th level being, well, hellish. For more info on all that jazz, read here:

"But Andy," you ask, "Why on earth would such a thing be relevant, let alone APPEALING, to us today?" Well gather 'round kiddos, cause I'mma bout to learn you a thing or two that'll blow ya little brains right outcha skulls. To accomplish, I'll be relying on (convenient segue to 3-Point Thesis):

1.) Not so Harsh When You Think About It- this version of Hell sounds way more sympathetic than the one most of us are familiar with (i.e. the whole burning lake of fire spiel.) Like, yeah there's some really messed up shit towards the bottom, but if you were actually a good person, just not Christian, you got to hang out in Limbo with all the famous guys that lived before Jesus. That doesn't sound as harsh as "those without Christ, even the little children who never hear of him, burn in the lake of fire."

2.) In a Fucked Up Way, It Almost Sounds Fun- Hear me out on this one. So, I don't know about y'all, but I really hope there isn't an afterlife. Why? Well, for starters, reincarnation sounds way more fun and secondly, both the ideas of Heaven and Hell sound boring. Live in paradise for all eternity with no problems? Boring. Burn in a lake of fire for all eternity? It would suck at first sure, but after a while you'd get used to it. So, boring. Dante's version of Hell? Man, somethings always going on. I mean down till like Circle 5 when shit gets a little too crazy but still. If I'm going to Hell, I at least want some variety while I'm there.

3.) What Goes Around Comes Around- Appealing to your sense of justice here: doesn't it just sound right? People getting punished appropriately according to their crime, with the really bad guys getting the worst of the worst treatment. It sounds great doesn't it? Imagine Hitler frozen 1000 leagues below the surface of Hell's coldest lake. Doesn't that just sound right? Ahh, one can only dream.

Well that's it for tonight everybody. As always, thanks for reading and I will see you (insert date of next post here). Au Revoir
