Post 16: Do as I Say, Not As I Do('nt)

How's it going internet? Welcome to the Late Night English Blog! Im your host and man recovering from Saint Patrick's Day Andy Ferguson and tonight we'll have a lightning round discussion of whether or not  high government officials should lead by personal example and high ideals. Now there are, as always some pros and cons to doing so:

- The officials will be more likely to hold themselves accountable
- The people might find comfort in knowing their officials believe in similar ideals
- It looks nice to other countries

- Personal example becomes problematic if an officials "high ideals" involves them being high at their desk
- easier to cover up scandals/atrocities if you slap some slipshod justification over it
- one particular group of idealists could take control and form an oligarchy

So yeah, could be good, could be bad. Who knows? That's it for tonight. Thanks for reading!
