Post 17: Tale of Two Christs

How's it going internet? Welcome to the Late Night English Blog! I'm your host and guy developing insomnia Andy Ferguson and tonight we will discuss the differences between the characters of Jesus in the Bible versus Jesus in the Qur'an. Before you ask, yes. Jesus is in the Qur'an. Fairly major role too. Like, second only to Muhammad who happens to be the main prophet type guy.

For those of you wondering what the Bible and the Qur'an are exactly, here's a brief description:

1.) Bible- Holy text of the Christianity
2.) Qur'an- Holy text of Islam

all squared up? Great! Now let's move on to the next thing: Who's Jesus?

Well, Jesus is a bit different depending on whether you read the Bible or the Qur'an. Sure there are some similiarities between the two, but otherwise they're pretty different.

In order to compare and contrast the two versions, here are some convenient lists:

- Bible Jesus
   1. Son of God/Part of God
   2. Crucified and Resurrected
   3. Salvation is only obtained through belief in him

-Qur'an Jesus
   1. Prophet of God (only human)
   2. Not crucified (it was someone else who looked like him)
   3. Preached that the only path to Salvation was to observe the 5 Pillars of Islam

- Both
   1. Had moms named Mary
   2. Were Miracle workers
   3. Preached submission to God
   4. Are fairly major prophets in their respective religions
      a. note: Jesus in the Bible has a slightly more important role than Jesus in the Qur'an

Welp, that's it for tonight. As always, thanks for reading and I will see you next time. Peace.
