
Showing posts from January, 2017

Post 4: Archetype is Just A Fancy Word For Something We've Seen Before (Part 2)

How's it going internet? Welcome to the Late Night English Blog, I'm your host and guy who's addicted to watching let's plays of horror games Andy Ferguson and tonight we will be continuing our discussion on archetypes. This time, however, we will looking at archetypes that can be found in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Don't know who and/or what  that is? Have no fear, fun facts are here: 1.) Ovid, the writer of Metamorphoses, was a master poet in the age of the Roman Empire alongside Virgil. Unlike his contemporary, however, Ovid typically portrayed the gods as more than somewhat irresponsible and driven by base desires. Naturally, this pissed quite a few people off which lead to his exile later on. 2.) Metamorphoses is Ovid's big project, his epic, magnum opus type thing if you will. In it, the man creates a narrative using both Greek and Roman myths to tell the story of humanity from the world's creation to Julius Caesar. Here's a link if you want to

Post 3: Archetypes Are Just A Fancy Word for Things We've Seen Before (Part 1)

How's it going internet? Welcome to the Late Night English Blog with Andy Ferguson. I'm your host and possible robot Andy Ferguson and tonight we will be talking about (drum roll please)...Archetypes! What the hell are those, you ask? Well, I'm glad you so conveniently asked; According to oxford dictionary, Archetypes are " A very typical example of a certain person or thing" or, in a more literary sense, "a  recurrent symbol or motif in literature, art, or mythology" (  Put more bluntly, Archetypes are things that tend to show up frequently throughout works of literature as well as everyday life. Still not getting it? Well then, here are some examples from real life to help you understand (Complete with pictures!) 1.) The Cross- if you grew up like I did, i.e in the Deep South with a hardline methodist family, then you sure as hell know all about Jesus and how he died on a cross so that we may

Post 2: Creation and Why We Care (Part 2)

How's it going internet? Welcome to the Late Night English Blog, I'm your host with a post Andy Ferguson and tonight we'll continue talking about creation stories. For those of you just joining us, last time I offered a brief introduction to creation stories as well as my personal views on creation. Tonight, however, we will be discussing how creation stories shape the way we view the world we live in. To accomplish this, I will be referring to my close friend Ye Olde Three Part Thesis. Creation stories shape the way we view the world because: 1.) Calling back to part one of this two-part series, creation stories offer us an explanation to who we are and where we come from as a species. Now, I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty fucking important in terms of how we view the world. Knowing who you are and where you come from, or at least having an IDEA of those things, are essential to one's identity as an individual. It goes to follow, then, tha

Post 1: Creation and Why We Care (Part 1)

How's it going internet? Welcome to the Late Night English Blog with Andy Ferguson! I'm Andy Ferguson, a perpetually exhausted English Major, wannabe writer, and inexperienced host of this here internet thing that you will not be able to cite in your next formal essay. All that said, let's get started. What better way to celebrate the creation of this blog than to discuss, you guessed it, Creation stories! Be it Adam and Eve sinning in Genesis, The Doctor of the Earth sweating life into existence in the Pima tradition, or Uranus and Gaia creating the concept of familial dysfunction in Greek mythology, creation stories have existed since we've been able to tell them!  As they are, creation stories serve a sort of three-pronged purpose. I don't believe that word correctly but, hey, what the hell.  Creation stories: 1.) Offer us human beings, not just in ancient times but modern as well, a kind of explanation as to where we came from and why we're all